Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Farmer's markets....

Since moving to Buffalo, we have discovered an amazing Farmer's Market.  We go every Saturday. I have $40 burning a hole in my pocket just waiting to be spent.  The produce is amazing.  The cost is spectacular.  There is no way in Hades we could have purchased this much locally fresh produce for just 40 bucks.  Oh Buffalo, how I love you.

This past weeks Farmer's Market haul included a loaf of sunflower seed bread. I'm a baker.  This bread was amazing.  And, that is an understatement.  Though, I do love baking bread, I also like supporting other artisan bakers.

Our $40 haul.

Our previous week's haul.  All this goodness for$36

And, our very first week at the Farmer's Market in our new city.

I love it.  The kids love it. And yes, we eat all the veggies during the week. No wasting of food.  All home cooked.  And since were are trying to save money, dining out is very minimal.

Today, it is a cool 75F.  So, I'm using some of the lovely zucchini squash and making chocolate zucchini bread.  Two loaves to be exact.  One for this week, and one for the freezer.

This evening, we are grilling the portabella mushrooms, and will eat them with roasted new potatoes and garlic, with a  side of the purple cauliflower.

Hope you have a fantastic week.

peas and love....

Monday, June 27, 2016

Welcome to our page!

Who are we? We are a family of four living in Buffalo.  We are a vegan and vegetarian friendly family.  We are frugal, have fun, love fitness, and our family is the most important.

Why "Broke in Buffalo"?  This blog is to show how eating on a budget can taste good.  Plus, we're saving to buy a home.  On this blog you will read about our journey eating on a $130 a week, feeding a family of four.  Plus, spending a $100 a month at Costco.  That means $500 a month for four people.  No more, and hopefully less. That averages a little under $5 per person each day.  It can be done, and I will show you.  I will share recipes and pictures.

I hope you enjoy our page.

Much love.